Sunday, 19 June 2011

apalah lagi kalau bukan hari bapa. SELAMAT HARI BAPA! :)


hai semua..sempena hari ayah hari ni, i wanna wish happy father's day to my ayah!I LOVE U AYAH.
ini ayah saya! sayang ayah!!!!:D

terima kasih atas semua yg ayah dah buat untuk kaklong sampai kaklong jadi macam sekarang ni..terima kasih. kaklong akan cube balas jasa ayah walau pon kaklong tau kaklong tak mampu nak balas segala ape yg telah ayah lakukan untuk membesarkan kaklong eventhough kaklong takde la besar sgt..hehe..ok lah,di hari yg bahagia tok ayah ni saya taknak la sedih pulak, kan? ape-ape pon terima kasih ayah for everything u've done.

Dan saya jugak ingin mengucapkan happy father's day to fathers out there. ppl out there appreciate your father bcoz your father will do anything to make you happy. so, appreciate them!

There are not expect you to repay them, it's enough just always remember them. And the day of father's day, the fathers are not expecting a gift from you but it's enough just wish "happy father's day".

so! WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR? wish your father NOW before its too late!